XW4DX Update (Nov 29)
XW4DX has ended operation with 43.000 QSO made by 5 operators, with a perfect balance between the 3 modes. While FT8 in multistream is very efficient in number of QSO, we remind one of the announced goal for the team was to had fun on their hobby and SSB/CW is where the fun is, and we hope you also enjoyed making qso with us. The QSL manager is still in Laos for one more week and all log corrections will be answered during december.
You can see more pictures in the link of the source.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/xw4dx
XW4DX Update (Nov 22)
The days follow each other but are not the same. Since yesterday, we notice a high level of noise that we did not have before. So don't think that we suddenly became deaf!
On the traffic side, we do our best to favour North America whenever a slot arises as it is the most difficult continent to contact.
For two days, we had the pleasure of welcoming XV9Q (F4BPO) who came specially from Vietnam to experience an expedition. Greg was able to operate as he wished in voice mode.
You can see more pictures in the link of the source.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/xw4dx
XW4DX Update (Nov 19)
The last XW4DX antennas were installed today. Our setup is now made up of:
- Hexbeam 10-15-20m @15m (with triplexer)
- Hexbeam 12-17 @14m
- VDA 17m
- VDA 12m
- Quad 1el 15-10m
- 4square 40m
- Vertical 160m
You can see more pictures in the link of the source.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/xw4dx
XW4DX Update (Nov 09)
Our departure for Laos is approaching (less than a week)! Here are some information about the antennas we will be using at XW4DX.
On the higher bands: 2x 5-band Hexbeam @14m high (one equiped with a 20, 15, 10m triplexer), VDA 12m, VDA 17m and 1el quad for 15/10m (these last 3 antennas will be mainly used in LP to North America). On the lower bands: 4square 40m and vertical 160m with top-loading @18m as well as 2 BOG for reception.
A large part of guys rope and antenna wire will be purchased locally in order to reduce the weight of the luggages of the 5 operators.
The two Hexbeams, as well as other equipment, are graciously lent by the F6KOP Radio Club, that we thank for their trust and support.
We remind you that we will unfortunately not be authorized to use the 6m, 30m, 60m and 80m bands which are currently prohibited for the amateur service in Laos.
XW4DX (Nov 04)
Bands: 10M - 160M
Modes: CW, SSB & DIGI
Qsl Info: Qsl via F4BKV (direct) or Clublog OQRS
Start Date - End Date: Nov. 16 - Nov. 27
Webpage: https://xw4dx.f4bkv.net/index.html
