VK9LA Update (Jun 22)
On June 22 around 9:00 UTC VK9LA on 6m band was not real - it was pirate.
The night to Sunday will be the last one on 80m band. Sunday will be the packing day. They will leave Lord Howe island on Monday.
Source: https://lral.lv/vk9la/index.html
VK9LA Update (Jun 18)
It is winter here, +18C during the day, +15C during the night. A lot of rain and strong winds, especially at night. Antennas are up, station is fully setup. Propagation is not the best, especially on the upper bands. Nature is fantastic and people forthcoming. Few photos added.
Source: https://lral.lv/vk9la/index.html
VK9LA Update (Jun 12)
They have reached Sydney, Australia.
Source: https://lral.lv/vk9la/index.html
VK9LA Update (Jun 11)
This morning Yuris and Zigrida started their journey from Riga airport
Source: https://lral.lv/vk9la/index.html
VK9LA (May 15)
Bands: 10M - 160M
Modes: CW, SSB & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via YL2GN
Start Date - End Date: Jun. 14 - Jun. 24
Webpage: https://lral.lv/vk9la/index.html