Amateur radio special events have been announced to commemorate Veterans Day.
In Cleburne, Texas, N5VET has been on the air since November 1 for a 15-day event. Announced frequencies include 7.235, 7,240, 14.045, and 14.255 MHz, although the sponsoring Club KC5NX says it will operate on most bands and modes. QSL to KC5NX.
The K1USN Radio Club will be on the air on November 11 to mark Veterans Day. K1USN will be on the air on the HF bands, SSB, CW, and FT8, 1300 – 2100 UTC. Anyone working K1USN on Veterans Day 2021 can request a certificate. K1USN QSL cards will be available for all contacts. Send a #10 SASE to K1RV or QSL via the bureau.
In New Jersey, Special Event WS2E will operate from High Point State Park on November 11, 1230 – 2330 UTC. This operation will be valid for Parks on the Air (POTA) K-1619). A Summits on the Air (SOTA) activation is also possible. Multiple stations will be on the air. The High Point monument is a tribute to the “glory and honor and eternal memory of New Jersey’s heroes by land, sea, and air in all wars of our country.” It is the highest elevation in New Jersey. Operation will be mostly on SSB and CW, 40 – 10 meters. A certificate and QSL are available. Contact Michael Sorton, WS2E.
An operation from the submarine USS Cobia in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, is set for November 12 –13, 1400 – 2100 UTC, sponsored by the USS Cobia Amateur Radio Club (NB9QV). Operation will be on 40 and 20 meters, SSB, ±7.240 and ±14.240 MHz. QSL to W6BSF with a #10 SASE.
The USS Midway Museum Ship special event to mark Veterans Day and the anniversary of the US Marine Corps will take place on November 13, 1700 – 2359 UTC. Listen for NI6IW in San Diego, California. Operation will be on CW and PSK on various HF bands as well as D-Star. QSL with an SASE to NI6IW.