TO8FH Update (Oct 21)
Our TO8FH expedition to Mayotte is almost over. We should finish with around 75,000 QSOs (majoritarily on CW and SSB). Part of the antennas (low bands) were dismantled this afternoon because of our transfer to the airport which is scheduled for tomorrow 1:00 PM for a return flight by the end of the afternoon with a technical stopover in Kenya. Arrival at Paris Charles-de-Gaulle is scheduled for Monday 5:40 AM and everyone will then finish their journey by train to return to the cold. This night, a minimum service will be provided for latecomers because the operators need a litle of rest before final dismantling at 6:00 AM.
TO8FH Update (Oct 17)
Tuesday, October 17 at TO8FH
The propagation is changing on the high bands over the Indian Ocean. We have noticed a drop in propagation for several days, whereas previously there were exceptional openings all day long until very late at night. On the low bands, however, it is catastrophic from the beginning with a more or less significant noise level and very weak signals. Fortunately the FT8 is there to save the day a little because it would simply be impossible to hear you on CW, particularly on 160 and 80m. Last night for example, the CW operator insisted on 80m but received almost no one. By the way, we read some negative comments on the clusters, which is never pleasant, because you can be sure we would prefer to increase the number of QSOs and not give the impression of being deaf.
The good surprise comes from the 500 QSOs on 6m where we only have 50w in 25m of 5.5mm H155 coax! Regarding the antenna, we let you to discover it in the attached photos. It is a 6 element (DXBeam) suspended from branches at a heught of 2.5 m! We have changed its location 3 times and it is the only location where it doesn’t disturb the higher HF bands. Although located by the sea, the land is small and the vegetation is very dense which considerably limits the possibilities. We have concentrated the lower bands verticals on the narrow beach, but it is a daily duel with the tide whose waves carry away radials and guys every night!
TO8FH Update (Oct 15)
Live video : Antenna installation
Through this short video produced by F2DX, we are pleased to introduce you to the installation of TO8FH antennas.
TO8FH Update (Oct 14)
TO8FH is now QRV on QO-100
Our twelfth operator, HB9GWJ, arrived in Mayotte today with all its satellite equipment. Barely time to greet all his friends from TO8FH, his QO-100 station was operational. The position of the transmitting dish still need to be ajusted while it is directed (almost vertically) on a beautiful coconut tree. Stay tuned !
TO8FH Update (Oct 13)
On the scene with TO8FH
They have published a large gallery of photos that you can see in the source link.
TO8FH Update (Oct 12)
The traffic seriously started yesterday at 12PM UTC. Almost all of our antennas are now mounted. On the topband, the 160m vertical still needs to be adjusted and the beverage is not yet installed. Our QTH is ideally open to Europe, North America and South America with a direct way over the sea. However we have a problem every day with the tide: the beach is not very wide, with lots of trees, and the waves systematically raise the radials of the vertical antennas. We have mounted the 6el 6m yesterday but had to move it today because of significant HF returns. We should be able to be QRV on 6m very soon.
They have published a large gallery of photos that you can see in the source link.
TO8FH Update (Oct 10)
Safely arrived to Mayotte
After a 12 hours journey, the team arrived this morning on Petite-Terre island where Mayotte airport is located. After joining Grande-Terre island with ferryboat, we arrived at our QTH in the morning, photos will be availablee soon. We installed several antennas this afternoon in order to start this evening on the high bands and 40m but we have a lot of HF returns. We will have to resolve this problem tomorrow and continue to install the low band antennas. QO-100 activity will not start until Saturday after the arrival of HB9GWJ. Stay tuned !
They have published a large gallery of photos that you can see in the source link.
TO8FH Update (Oct 09)
It’s D-Day! 11 of us meet at Charles-de-Gaulle airport (Paris) at this afternoon for a takeoff at 08:25 p.m. The arrival in Mayotte is scheduled tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. where we will have to take a ferryboat to another island then 2 hours of driving to reach our QTH. Our 12th operator (HB9GWJ) will not leave until Friday (with QO-100 station) because of a family problem. Stay tuned !
TO8FH Update (Oct 04)
Less than one week before our expedition to Mayotte to start, we have established the propagation forecasts which you can review on our website. Instructions will be given to each operator in order to direct as much as possible their traffic, taking into account possible openings in the most difficult to contact areas. Therefore thank you for respecting the recommendations of the operators such as « SA only » or « VK/ZL only » for example.
TO8FH (Oct 03)
Bands: 6M - 160M
Modes: CW, SSB, RTTY & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via F5GSJ (direct or buro), LoTW or OQRS
Start Date - End Date: Oct. 10 - Oct. 22