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(Spain) Authorized band 40,650 – 40,750 MHz

Great news during the celebration of our 75th anniversary!

The radio amateur community was expressing growing interest in obtaining authorization to use frequencies in the 8 meter, 40 MHz bands, for the purpose of conducting experiments and research.

The Spanish Amateur Radio Union (URE), sensitive to this interest and aware of the constant evolution in the field of communications, as well as the importance of adapting regulations to encourage the active and responsible participation of citizens, in their capacity as majority association that defends the interests of its members and radio amateurs in general, requested the State Administration for the temporary assignment of the aforementioned band.

After hard work by the URE before the administration, today the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure was published on the Amateur Radio website, which authorizes holders of Spanish amateur radio authorizations to make broadcasts in the 40,650 – 40,750 MHz band, with a maximum peak envelope power (PEP) of 25 W, for a period of eighteen months.

Broadcasts will only be made from fixed stations that have the corresponding license. In addition, the radio amateur must inform the Provincial Telecommunications Inspection Headquarters of the province in which he or she resides about his intention to operate in this band before broadcasting for the first time on these frequencies.

This authorization will not only facilitate technological development and advancement in our radio amateur community, but will also harmonize practices with other ITU countries, among which we now stand as pioneers.

To download the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, click here.

As the resolution indicates, it is mandatory that the radio amateur inform the corresponding Provincial Telecommunications Inspection Headquarters of their intention to operate in this band before broadcasting for the first time on these frequencies , in this case, electronically through the headquarters. of Radio Amateurs using a digital certificate or Cl@ve.

The direct access to the form is:

And within said form in the Request Data / Request Type you must indicate the option:

  • Temporary and experimental use of frequency bands not allocated in the CNAF to the amateur service

The contribution of the URE to the development and dissemination of radio communications in general, and to the world of amateur radio in particular, is transcendental.

URE 75 Years Creating Hobby!


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