After the success of our 9L5A DXpedition in 2024, F6KOP radioclub of Provins has chosen for 2025 to go to Saint-Pierre & Miquelon (Ile aux Marins).
Although FP is sometimes active there has never been such a big expedition like we organize.
We will be 16 operators with at least 7 active stations from 160 to 6m in all modes and probably in 2m EME.
Callsign FP5KE will be used for a minimum of 10 days of traffic.
Faithful to our principles the "human" modes CW, SSB, RTTY will be favored (without abandoning FT8 and FT4).
Additional information such as dates and website will be communicated later.
F2DX (ex FP5DX 1988-1991) Team Leader