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A Fusillade Of Solar Flares

Sunspot 3514 continued to flare today with a strong M7-class event following close on the heels of yesterday's X2.8-class boomer. The X-flare on Dec. 14th was the strongest flare of Solar Cycle 25 (so far) and the most powerful eruption the sun has produced since the great storms of Sept. 2017.

Only the fact that AR3514 is approaching the sun's western limb prevents it from causing strong geomagnetic storms here on Earth. Eruptions from the sunspot are a little off-target. Nevertheless, we will not escape unscathed. The X2.8-class flare hurled a fast-moving CME into space, and it will probably graze Earth's magnetic field on Dec. 17th. We are still awaiting the results of NOAA modeling to confirm the timing of impact and the possible strength of any resulting geomagnetic storm. Stay tuned.


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