5X3K Update (Sep 30)
Today is a beautiful sunny day here. The hotel resort is hosting a competition glory party for about 80 guests. They are all in the same hall as our expedition hamshack. There is intense music and a loud moderator.
We're looking forward to it being over so we can work SSB and CW. SSB's not working at all, and CW's on the difficulties.
This morning, we set up 2 x spiderbeam , later on 160m/80m Inv L and vertical . We look forward to quiet in the hall and working you on HF.
You can see more pictures in the link of the source.
5X3K Update (Sep 29)
We landed this morning after 10 hours on the plane. On departure, we had one delay due to bad weather in Istanbul, and another 2 hours, they made us wait in the plane before we left.
All our luggage arrived, but the customs department in Entebbe wanted to keep our stuff from being released. We dealt with several managers for 2 hours. They threatened not to release our property until we cleared customs and arranged temporary import.
Finally, we were lucky. We arrived at QTH, but were totally tired after the journey. In the afternoon, we started unpacking the electronics, and at the same time, we built the antennas. The 30m and 40m are working now, and the 2x spiderbeam is ready to go up tomorrow morning.
5X3K (Sep 22)
Bands: 10M - 160M
Modes: SSB, CW, RTTY & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via OK6DJ or ClubLog OQRS
Start Date - End Date: Sep. 28 - Oct. 08
Webpage: https://www.cdxp.cz/