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3D2CCC - Conway Reef

3D2CCC Update (May 05)

They keep trying to repair broken antennas. Birds and wind attacking them with furious. Not a friendly place. This is 3rd time they went there and maybe the last one due to many issues with bird worms bites and very windy conditions. Low tides completely blocking acces to the Reef with supplies. They make some good movies and pictures how the birds taking all radials a way from antennas and trying to make their nests  I asked Dom why he can't make his nest there and stay for a month.

As an answer he send me some nice words which I can't share with you becouse I didn't even know that some of the bad words exist . Possible last day or 2 and QRT.

3D2CCC Update (May 03)

Ship is drifting away due to weather conditions

She can't hold the 100kg anchore. Wind 48 knots. Waves about 4m around the Reef. Team will run all stations till get out diesel for generators. Some antennas crashed due to wind some due to the birds. Way over 50k qso's

In 4 days. Log will not be uploaded till vessel come back closer to the Reef. Keep working them till you get your rr73 even 100 times.

3D2CCC Update (Apr 30)

Team was able to upload part of the log.

More than 20k+ non brain qso's.. But still some should use the brain and stop calling them on same period and on top of them.

3D2CCC Update (Apr 26)

On the way 3D2CCC

We will be active as E51DOM /mm during the trip as always

3D2CCC Update (Apr 25)

LoTW recived and dxcc approved.

Preperations almost done

3D2CCC (Apr 14)

Ops: Rebel DX Group

Bands: 6M - 160M

Modes: CW, SSB, FT4 & FT8

Qsl Info: Qsl via LoTW & Clublog

Start Date: Mid - April

Notes: Priority - FT8 for small pistols who really need 3d2/c.


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