XT2MD - Burkina Faso
XT2MD Update (Nov 10) The countdown has begun, with the 160m, 80m, and 6m antennas now out of service. For the rest of the night, there...
XT2MD - Burkina Faso
5H3MB - Tanzania
E6FS - Niue
Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW
ARRL EME Contest
3DA0DL - Eswatini
Strong Geomagnetic Storm Predicted
DU1/AB3MY - Philippines
6Y/G0RNU - Jamaica
ZF2XX - Cayman Isl.
5B/S55DX - Cyprus
8R1TM - Guyana
WAE DX Contest, SSB
KH2/JH3DJX - Guam
SX8AS - Greece (Salamina Isl. IOTA EU-075)
3D22 & 3D2V - Rotuma
5W0TE - Samoa
T2M - Tuvalu